Not Originally from Here, Unless Otherwise Stated

Catalyst presents, Not Originally from Here, Unless Otherwise Stated, an online survey exhibition presenting artists and art inspired by science. The title references the science-based connections made to the art by Catalyst founder and artist Dawn Ertl and not necessarily by the artist unless stated otherwise. It also references the artist's location, who may or may not be from LA originally but lives and works here now. Wikipedia was used to do all of the scientific research for the show. The formatting mimics the site's distinctions on science categories. Wikipedia says there are four main branches of science, Formal, Natural, Social, and Applied. Artists were chosen to fit into two of these four science groups, Natural and Social, and put in a relational context with the artist around them. Most of the work selected is not the artist's latest work; instead, they are works I felt connected the most with 2020.

This exhibition will feature work from the following artists and their allocated science relations:

1. Shiva Aliabadi, Social Science, Geography, Anthropogeography
2. Debra Scacco, Social Science, Geography, Environmental Geography
3. Britt Ransom, Natural and Social Science, Earth System Science
4. Kelly Nipper, Social Science, Linguistics-Structures
5. Meeson Yang, Natural and Social Science, System Science
6. Kysa Johnson, Natural Science, Physics, Quantum Mechanics
7. Channing Hansen, Natural Science, Biology, Genetics, DNA Sequencing, and Genomics
8. Diana Thater, Natural and Social Science, Optics and Color Psychology, ColorVision
9. Todd R. Forsgren, Social Science, Environmental Social Science, Political Ecology
10. Christy Roberts Berkowitz, Social Science, Political Science
11. Narsiso Martinez, Natural science, Agroecology

Select artists will also be featured in written or in video format interviews where Catalyst will ask the artist(s) about their work and how the connections they see to the artist they've been grouped with.

Interviewed artists:

Shiva Aliabadi & Debra Scacco discuss the connections between the work, lives, and how geology, anthropology, and environmental themes coexist in their work. Christy Roberts Berkowitz and Narsiso Martinez discuss how political science and agroecology play pivotal roles in their practice. They will talk about what kinds of connections exist within their work as well. Kelly Nipper will tell us about the linguistics-structures that inform her work.

Artist pages from: Not Originally from Here, Unless Otherwise Stated

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