Meeson Yang
Artist Statement:

“The work explores the convergence of science, technology and mythology into a thickly layered stratum of images and objects reflecting systems within nature. Intersections and parallels in systems become unfolding metaphors and imagery to dissect and explore. Much of the work begins by extracting simple elements and then expanding, repeating, and extending these components into transmuted conglomerations.
The process of the work involves a methodical collecting of artifacts, images, and sounds to synthesize and compress into expansive visual fields. Working in a variety of media from painting, video, sculpture and installation, each medium is a tool to process natural phenomena from the microscopic to the macroscopic.” 
Taken from Wikipedia,
Systems Science:

“Systems science is an interdisciplinary field that studies the nature of systems—from simple to complex—in nature, society, cognition, engineering, technology and science itself. To systems scientists, the world can be understood as a system of systems.[1] The field aims to develop interdisciplinary foundations that are applicable in a variety of areas, such as psychology, biology, medicine, communication, business management, computer science, engineering, and social sciences.[2]
Systems science covers formal sciences such as complex systems, cybernetics, dynamical systems theory, information theory, linguistics or systems theory. It has applications in the field of the natural and social sciences and engineering, such as control theory, operations research, social systems theory, systems biology, system dynamics, human factors, systems ecology, computer science, systems engineering and systems psychology.[3] Themes commonly stressed in system science are (a) holistic view, (b) interaction between a system and its embedding environment, and (c) complex (often subtle) trajectories of dynamic behavior that sometimes are stable (and thus reinforcing), while at various 'boundary conditions' can become wildly unstable (and thus destructive). Concerns about Earth-scale biosphere/geosphere dynamics is an example of the nature of problems to which systems science seeks to contribute meaningful insights.”

powder coated stainless steel
30 ft x 15 ft x 15 ft
Site: Greenpoint Park 
urethane dipped felt, nylon, pigment,
 polycarbonate, aluminum rods
Damyang International Art Festival Public
 Art & Residency (Damyang, South Korea)
15 ft (H) x 10 ft (W) x 9 ft (D)
 (dimensions variable),
plastic tubes, vinyl, ink, pipettes, 
monofilament, shadows
2009-2011, 15' (H) x 39' (W) x 19' (D) 
(dimensions variable,
mylar, ink, acrylic, cement, pvc pipes

Artist pages from: Not Originally from Here, Unless Otherwise Stated

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