Statement about the Artist:

"Roberts Berkowitz describes her interdisciplinary art as a practice that composes experiences, images, and objects; attempting to reconcile the merging of resistance and escapism, expectation and failure, and subject and object, along with the intersection of community and individualism. At the same time, she stays engaged in her work with what she terms “the historical trajectory of western design – from William Morris to Bauhaus.” The viewer will find an immersive exhibition that includes everything from photographs, to gut-punching videos, and a numberless clock.
According to the artist, she is “personally interested in the spaces we wear thin with the friction of our interior and exterior lives. For example, I’m interested in witchcraft as a site for intersectional feminist spirituality, and I’m interested in queer family building as praxis against patriarchy and white supremacy. I believe that art can get you free within a system, but not necessarily from a system. Getting free within a system, however, is the first step towards dismantling oppressive systems, and I am ultimately interested in liberation.”
 Genie Davis

Taken from Wikipedia,
Political Science:

Political science, occasionally called politology, is a social science which deals with systems of governance, and the analysis of political activities, political thoughts, associated constitutions and political behavior.[1]
Political science comprises numerous subfields, including comparative politics, political economy, international relations, political theory, public administration, public policy, and political methodology. Furthermore, political science is related to, and draws upon, the fields of economics, law, sociology, history, philosophy, geography, psychology/psychiatry, anthropology and neurosciences.
Comparative politics is the science of comparison and teaching of different types of constitutions, political actors, legislature and associated fields, all of them from an intrastate perspective. International relations deals with the interaction between nation-states as well as intergovernmental and transnational organizations. Political theory is more concerned with contributions of various classical and contemporary thinkers and philosophers.
Political science is methodologically diverse and appropriates many methods originating in psychology, social research and cognitive neuroscience. Approaches include positivism, interpretivism, rational choice theory, behavioralism, structuralism, post-structuralism, realism, institutionalism, and pluralism. Political science, as one of the social sciences, uses methods and techniques that relate to the kinds of inquiries sought: primary sources such as historical documents and official records, secondary sources such as scholarly journal articles, survey research, statistical analysis, case studies, experimental
Cut Peace, 2018
Performance at Highways Performance Space
in which I stood with the video projected over 
me and asked the audience/participants to cut 
hospital visitor bands off of me.
HD video
In collaboration with Katie Roberts, 
Tammy Sanchez, Renni Pollock, Kyle Stryker

Night Terrors, 2010, video
Night Terrors explores the relationship between a mother and child who have survived an abusive household, living under personal and political state violence, searching for meaning in the unknown.
after capitalism
on this
laying on my stomach
running my right hand along text until it finds the cool side of the bed
and the warmth of a body
whose muscles are toes to heel flexed upon sand
whose muscle memory is listing synonyms for flight
whose fingertips run along the topography of my kneecap
whose blister is healing
on this
sitting on the edge of a soft box
wearing french horn and lilac
i will watch the counterpoint of a moth
i will fix my eyes on the windchimes
i will make pancakes over a fire of burning art history exams
i will wear a robe of warm water
on this
my limbs a cacophony of percussion
a shipwreck of bad choices will wrap itself around my toenail polish
and we will promise to try to make bad art
we will walk through thick oceans of pollen
we will run into blood and taste our keys
we will howl the Reality Bites soundtrack
we will put out fresh linens for every new freckle and host a celebration for the life of the latest
star to have died
on this
fragments of wavelengths
will slip their fingers into the space between leaves and pull
a non-narrative one act play will avoid the lazerbeam that spills out of this finger cave
and there will be birds singing the murder in our memory
there will be ears drumming to the beat of twelve silences
there will be poems in the mailbox
there will be so much time
on this
a velvet sky will wrap our words in void
our anxiety will sit at a table with lust and the knives will sharpen themselves on our emotional
where will red and blue lights be buried?
where will cotton burn? in a lamp or on the body of a priest?
question: where will women go? answer: anywhere they want.
where will we shoot arrows into what remains of borders?
on this
dancing finds its way to tongues and lungs fill up with marigolds once placed on the graves of ourselves
here, we will read our stretch marks like a map to value
here, i will draw in pomegranate and drink your ink
here, there will be baths of red clay
here, whose neck we will lick until we give goosebumps to time and whisper in its ear...
work is over, we are free
Lilith and her assistant Adam grill zucchini marinaded in the tears of misogynists. Performance for Lady Scumbag at Visitor Welcome Center, 2018, video
Greetings folx! I made this video with Custom & Craft as an intro to digital security and privacy culture in the resistance age. It's from the perspective of Lilith, feminist icon extraordinare and it's in honor of Purim! I hope you enjoy and please feel free to share because my hope is that we can all benefit as a community from this info! I've only been practicing digital security since the election and I'm an artist, not a tech person- so if I can do it, so can you!
Tania, 2019
Environmental Scientist, Vanessa Welsh, joins Lilith to tell you ten things you need to know about your water! Just in time for Passover!

(Testimonial from Sheriff Road Resident, MD), 2010
Interactive Sound Video Installation, 4.16 min.

Artist pages from: Not Originally from Here, Unless Otherwise Stated

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